Who We Are

An educated man is one who knows rubbish when he sees it.
G.K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton

Raison d’etre/vision

We want British Columbian school children to have the best education system on planet Earth (and Mars too, once Elon figures that out). We want all our children to be enabled to flourish according to their own aptitudes, opportunities, and needs. We want critical, out-of-the-box thinkers; strong communicators; savvy risk-assessors. We want our kids to know where they are going because they’re grounded in a strong sense of where they’re from. In short, we want educated, capable citizens.

The two parts of government that make up our public education system are the provincial Ministry of Education and local elected school boards.

ParentsVoice BC is a registered centre-right political party dedicated to helping commonsense people who share our vision get elected to their local school boards. Technically, we’re registered as an “Elector Organization” in the language of the BC School Act

It’s our understanding that we are the first school board-only political party in Canada.

We were founded in June of 2022 in the sprint up to the October 2022 school board elections. In our maiden election we succeeded in getting three current Trustees elected. In preparation for the October 2026 elections we are now registered in all 60 of BC’s school districts.

If history is any sign, as time and election cycles go on, our Trustees will become more seasoned in the job and likely some will progress up to higher levels of elected office. So we a time in the not-too-distant future when former ParentsVoice BC Trustee will now be MLAs in the BC government having a beneficial impact on our kids’ education through the Ministry of Education as well. This is how the political Left has done it. So should we.

Young Woman Approves

What Is An Elector Organization?

Elector organizations, also know as civic political parties, promote candidates in local elections. As an elector organizations registered with Elections BC, ParentsVoice BC endorses candidates, receives campaign contributions and incurs election expenses.

As an elector organization, we must file endorsement documents with both a jurisdiction’s Local Chief Election Officer and Elections BC during an election.

Once approved, the elector organization’s ballot name, as registered with Elections BC, appears on the ballot beside their endorsed candidate’s name.